School Support

In 2016 we embarked on a project to support children in local primary schools. It was decided to offer monetary support to enable disadvantaged children within the schools to attend any of the educational trips organised. A fixed monetary level was set and initially guaranteed by Hythe 2000 for a 3 year period which was reviewed in early 2019. The decision has now been taken to continue this very successful project for the foreseeable future and to improve and enlarge on our support wherever possible.

The money offered to each school will be administered by the respective Head Teacher who will also be responsible for selecting the way the children will benefit from the grant. One recent grant enabled a local primary school to engage a physical theatre company to work with Year 4 pupils. The funding allowed the theatre company to work within the school for a full day where the Yr 4 pupils learnt different ways of communicating, how to trust and work together as a team. The day culminated in them performing a very successful ensemble piece of physical theatre to their parents based on a chosen story.