Welcome to the Hythe 2000 website

Hythe 2000 is an independent charity based in St John’s Hall. It is run by a group of Trustees and a Management Committee with a team of volunteers and a part time paid worker. The charity currently supports three projects: Smarties, IT 4 All, and a Schools support project. The projects are run by volunteers and you can find out more by visiting Volunteering with us.

St johns hall

Smarties Carer and Toddlers Group 

Meets in St John’s Hall every Monday 09:30 – 11:00 during school term times and costs just £3 per child and parent/carer. Parents / Carers must stay with their charge for insurance purposes.

Refreshments are available along with the opportunity to meet and natter with others.

There is no need to book to attend.

IT 4 All

This group meets on a Monday afternoon 13:30 – 15:30 most weeks of the year. The cost is £4.00 per session with a refreshment break from around 14:30. Tea/Coffee and cake is £1.50

Please check the Diary beforehand

There is no need to book to attend.

Schools Support

Schools Support

We support a number of local primary schools by providing funding to enable them to provide additional educational facilities / resources / experiences to further the education of children in our area. We also provide Hythe 2000 Achievement awards on an annual basis.

These awards are at the discretion of our trustees.

Christmas Tree Festival

The Christmas Tree Festival

Our annual charity raising event held in St John’s Church has decorated trees and wreaths donated by schools, businesses and private individuals.

During the festival visitors are able to make a bid in the silent auction for a tree or wreath of their choice.

All money raised is divided between Hythe 2000 to help with running costs and St John’s Church.


Other Community Involvement

We have additionally contributed / participated in a number of community projects:

Defibrillator – outside St John’s Hall

Waterside Foodbank

Hythe of Activity

Mistletoe Fayre

Volunteer with us

All of our projects and events are run by a small team of volunteers. If you are good at communicating with people and have some free time to offer, we are always happy to welcome additional help.

You can find out more by visiting Volunteering with us

Where to find us
The hall is adjacent to a local car park in the centre of Hythe, and opposite St John’s Church and we are on the main bus route through Hythe with a bus stop across the road from the hall. (see map).

Follow: Hythe 2000 Charitable Trust  

*Registered charity number 1095039. For further details visit the Charity Commission website and enter the charity number in the search box.